
Getting an App Only access token for SharePoint REST APIs

The SharePoint API only accepts access (bearer) tokens that have been acquired using client assertions. This article explains how to do that on protcol level.


Getting a Term using a Custom Property Value with PnP Core

A term in SharePoint Taxonomies can have custom properties. PnP Core has now the ability to query terms by custom property value.


Retrieving Azure Application Insights using Azure CLI

Azure Application Insights can be retrieved using the Azure CLI. Since we can authenticate with a client secret or certificate, the logs can be retrieved by a daemon app or background job.


Syncing MS Graph Properties with SharePoint User Profile from Azure Function

In SharePoint Online only a predefined set of properties gets synchronized from the Azure Active Directory User object to the SharePoint User Profile. This article shows how to add additional User Profile properties using a timer-triggered Azure Function and surface them in SharePoin Search.
